Tuesday, September 25, 2018

An Introduction To Aurii

Aurii- a bleak world where hope seems extinguished. A world that used to thrive, but that is now dying, like a fire burning low.

When Aurii began, it was a world of imagination, beauty, and life. The people lived in relative harmony, with a passion for life and a deep love for each other and the King. The King was the one who created this land. He formed it himself, pulling continents out of the ocean and building mountains. For fifty years, he loved his people, and they loved him in return.

Then, corrosion entered the world. Slowly, it leaked in like fog on an autumn morning, and it all started with one thing- Caroban.

Lord Zandaar, the King’s close friend began to show great interest in mining. The thrill of the drill, pickaxe and shovel. Earth being pulled away more and more, revealing wonders only the dirt and rock could contain. But the deeper he dug, the more odd materiels he found. Finally, when he reached one of the deepest layers, he found it. A grey rock that practically spoke to him, calling him and begging him to touch it. He brought it to the surface, but the King told him to destroy it, and seal up the mine.

But the Caroban had already started to meddle with Zandaar’s mind, altering it, and twisting it into something dark. Instead of ridding himself of the precious stone, he hid it, and continued operations in secret. Some people began to help, and soon, they had harvested so much of it that the King took notice.

He knew that it would break away the people’s minds and eat at their souls, but Zandaar thought he was the wiser. He refused to give up his precious rock. The King knew that people would suffer if he tried to fight Zandaar. So he took a few, select people and retreated to a kingdom in the clouds, and hasn’t been seen since. But the people know that he’s there.

After the King left, Zandaar began to treat the people more like slaves than like fellow humans. They were forced to work in the Caroban mines, and were never allowed to speak of the King, of the land that was slowly falling to ruins, and being built again with the aid of Zandaar’s favorite rock.

About a hundred and thirty years later, he came. A mysterious man in a bright scarlet cloak who claimed to be the son of the king. This stranger showed kindness and love like the people hadn’t known since the days before the King’s departure. The world was nearly dead. Zandaar, by some miracle, still lived and was still driving the people. Some wondered if it was because of the caroban. But how could it? Could it really be so powerful that one would live far longer than others?

But the king had a plan. He had sent his son, the Rebel Prince, to teach the Auriians of an amazing substance, one which would help save the world-- Saritas.

Most of the people followed him, using the Saritas to heal their broken spirits. They loved him, heeding his every command. He brought a light their shattered lives, a hope that sprung up behind closed doors. Then, Zandaar found out about the illegal use of Saritas and about the King’s son. He tracked the Rebel Prince down, then threatened to kill all of his followers, unless he left.

The day that the Rebel Prince left us was a grim day indeed. In the twenty -nine years that have followed, Zandaar has brought his iron fist down on the people, forcing them to continue to mine caroban. It would seem that there is no hope.

But, there was a promise. The Rebel Prince swore to return, and bring with him an army. All we have to do is wait and watch. We will persevere, We will stand strong, and when the day comes, we will fight. But for now, we will await his return, watching tirelessly.

We are strong together. We are an oppressed people. We are the Watchmen.